Friday, August 28, 2009


The internet here is pretty bad, but I just wanted to let everyone know that I got here. I met this really nice Irish guy on the flight to Kilimanjaro last night and he gave Hilary (other student) and I a ride to this Ethiopian Hotel for the night. We are now waiting until about 5 o'clock when we will meet up with the rest of the students. Tanzania is such a great place I know I am going to have a blast already. We are leaving to go camping for a week tonight so I'm not going to have any type of internet, but I will update you all as soon as I can. Sorry, no pictures yet!! Thank you all for your prayers.


  1. Wow bradley it is great to hear from you!

  2. BRAD!

    i cant wait.
    i cant wait.
    i cant wait.

    i cant wait.

  3. Hey Brad! Just wanted to say thank you for the b-day call! I was in shock when I heard it was you! I'm so bummed I missed your call!!! It didn't even sound like you, but Johnnie sarcastically reminded me that you were in Africa...hello?! I miss you already, believe it or not. I hope you are having a blast! Dad says he loves you, I'm gonna help him set up his blog sometime this week. Talk to you soon. I love you sooooo much!

  4. "I met this really nice Irish guy on the flight..." good to hear things are starting out pleasantly for you. Haha. YES you are going to have a great time! Keep the blogs coming whenever you can. And you better take some pics and post 'em next time! (maybe one or two with you and the nice Irish guy...) Love you man

